Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday 8-31

CTE- Today we studied how much we would need to earn as an income if we want certain things such as a house, car, and food. Students were surprised to see how much they needed. The link to California reality check is on my blog under links to look at. Students were to go in, make decisions between wants and needs and come to a final figure as to a yearly income they would need to support their lifestyle. Print this off.

6th- We talked about how important a Name is in Identity of our product in the 4 P's. The students created their company name. Find packet on my website under unit 2 fashion design-- create your name.

Friday, August 28, 2009


I have given the students the opportunity to make up a 1 minute (minimum) father song. They must either perform and video it at home ( and bring me a copy) or have it so I can video it here. There is a mom song on my website to give you an example.


Thursday and Friday

I am combining two days in one so that I don't forget to post today's activities.

Thursday- CTE- Yesterday we finished talking about traditions that we celebrate with our families. We talked about a family activity called family councils where each member is in attendance and this is a place where families make big decisions and discuss problems. We talked about how sometimes we do not agree with those in our families and how to make it a win- win situation where both people in the situation can be happy. We worked on our no lose win win worksheet ( found in the unit 2 packet) where the students had to work out different scenerios. This is home work if they did not complete and will become due.

Friday- We will begin to talk about family budget how we support ourselves and how important those who take care of us are. Todaythe students will complete their dream of where they would like to be when they are 25 years old. This is called my dream and it is found in the unit two packet as well.

Thursday 6 th grade- Yeah!!! most of the students have caught up. If a student has not completed projects they must talk to me about completion ...then sometimes they can make it up for higher points. DO NOT WAIT TO LONG TO TALK TO ME AS I DO NOT APPRECIATE WORK THAT IS MONTHS OLD!!! We talked about descriptive words and played a guessing game where the students found an object outside and described it without telling us what it was to see if we could visualize and figure it out. We use this strategy to have the students recognize details as we are going into a fashion design unit today.

Friday 6th grade- Today we are talking about designer research. How an investor knows he wants to place all of his financial support into a project. The students will be interviewing each other about purchases they would make and if they do not finish, it will become homework. (Found in the unit 2 folder)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

finishing up

(CTE)- Today we finished up our unit one and I am planning on entering grades but my power school is not working correctly. I am working on getting it fixed and I will hopefully get on top of it by this weekend. We finished unit one by filling out a mock application for work. I discovered many of our students do not even know their own address. Filling out general questions such as good personality traits was also difficult. We began Unit 2 by learning different family types and the students were to draw examples and identify their familytypes. If they missed it there is an example on my website.

Exp Art- Today I had an enrichment activity for those students who were caught up on their work. They made ice cream in a bag. The students were to follow step by step instructions with only my observing. I feel they did not do as well on handwashing as they should have. They did have a fun time though. There still are some students who I am following up on because they have not completed their work to my satifaction and their ability.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


(CTE)Today we have finished up unit 1 by taking a test and we have also taken a vocational pretest. Both of these are important and if your student has not taken these they need to go to my website and get the address from my website and take these online they are posted in the comment section. All unit work needs to be complete and turned in for credit.

(6th) All unit 1 work needs to be complete and turned in today. Grades will be posted by the end of this week.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Two days in one

CTE-Friday the 21st we played a murder mystery game similar to clue. We worked in groups of three to four students per group. The goal of the game was to work together to solve problems. Today we will be talking about the 5 steps to problem solving. Tomorrow we will be having two tests, a unit test and a pre assessment test, which I should have given the students at the begining of the year but have not had time to do so. I will send study guides home today as well as post the study guide on my website.

6th grade- Friday we worked on customs of our ancestors and WE SHOULD be coming to the end of our unit one today. Some students have finished already but the majority have not been applying their time wisely. This will be due tomorrow. They will bring it home for home work if they are not completed today.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


CTE (7th)-
Today was the first of 6 lessons given by our counselors dealing with information that our students need for their SEOP's. There is no home work.

6th grade
Students are working on their customs project. This will be worked on in class. They may have to bring it home if they cannot complete in class.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


CTE (7th)- We had fun today talking about how we need to dress for success. We ended the class with mock interviews where the students acted as the employer and interviewer. The interviewer was given a problem and the students were to guess why the intervier would not get the job. No homework.

Exp Arts(6th)- Today we began and should have finished our shield of values. The students are begining their customs unit. They can bring a recipe from home that is a traditional recipe or they may get one off the computer.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


CTE 7th grade we talked about the 3 types of communication, Verbal, non verbal and written, and how it helps us not only in the work place but everywhere. We talked and played games learning that communication must be specific and we must listen to receive the message. I have placed a funny clip I used in class on the website.

Exploratory arts (6th) We talked about values. The students are to find out thier heritage where their family comes from. Tomorrow they will finish their values sheild.

Monday, August 17, 2009


6th grade Exp. Arts we continued talking about what makes us different. Each student took a color test that shows different personality types. It was interesting to see what thye thought of themselve. Tonight they are to have their parents take the personality test with the parent judging the student to see if they agree with each other. Then the student is to give the simplified test to a parent to see what color personality they are. We will evauate our answers tomorrow and learn what we need to do to get along with different color types.

7th grade CTE we talked about intrapersonal skills such as tlaking and working to gether. We learned that there is alot asspects to consider when working in a group. No homework.

Friday, August 14, 2009


We made it through the first two days and it was great!
Today in our seventh grade classes we discussed stress and practiced breathing teqniques that help when we are stressed.
In our Exploratory arts class we talked about people, our differences and similarities, and that we cannot judge others with quick judgements without getting to know them. We will begin talking about our own heritage on Monday. If you would discuss where your family originates that would be helpful.
In Home room we learned where we line up for fire drills, discussed lunch room rules for outside and talked about learning academies that will be happening sometime this next month. I will let you know as soon as I do.
I have posted all unit scope and sequences that apply to your students need on the website under assignments.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Wow What a Day!!!

My throat hurts I have talked so much. Today we began by discussing rules and procedures in both 6th and 7th grade. I have sent home the sewing lists and disclosure for you to sign and return. Remember if you DO NOT wish for your student to be shown in a picture or have their first name mentioned please sign the disclosure saying so. 7th grade student had a self concept folder due tomorrow (instructions on the website-- this is done on a manilla folder) I am looking forward to a great year.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Back to School Night

Tonight at 6PM is back to school night. Only two days until school starts! I have downloaded my Disclosure onto my website as well as my sewing supply list. Parent's signature is worth 10 points. I do not allow any student to NOT hand this in so...turn this in immediatly!!!